Thursday, December 11, 2014


One of the biggest concerns of coaching clients is staying on task to reach specific goals. In today’s modern world of technology, the  constant beeping, buzzing, texting, emailing and tweeting make it difficult to concentrate.

But all things are possible! Try these strategies to stay focused the next time you’re challenged in reaching your goals:

1.     Narrow your list. Focus on 1-3 major goals that you hope to achieve within a designated time frame. This ensures that you aren't spreading yourself too thin, and as a result, losing your motivation.

2.     Break down your goals into a series of smaller steps. You’ll feel less overwhelmed and this makes reaching your ultimate goal that much easier.

3.     Get an accountability partner to share your experiences with as you work towards your goal. Ideally, this person will be someone who can encourage you when obstacles arise and celebrate your successes with you along the way.

4.     Create a goal board. This is an inspiring visual reminder of why you created your goals in the first place. Fill it with pictures and other images that help you maintain your enthusiasm and focus.

It takes hard work and consistent effort to achieve major goals. Remember you get what you focus on so focus on what you want!

For support to reach your goals for success connect with me at or schedule here for a free consultation.

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