Monday, February 9, 2015

5 Ways to Embrace Change and Excel at Work

Most people will agree that the American workplace has changed more in the last five years than it has in the previous 25. Seismic shifts in technology, social media and management have drastically changed how we work. Corporate downsizing has led to many employees doing more with less. It’s no surprise that these changes have led to an overwhelming level of disengagement in the workplace. According to Gallup, over 23 million U.S. workers feel disconnected or dissatisfied with their careers.
Dealing with alterations to your normal work procedures can be frustrating, unwanted, and even scary. Learning to accept change at work is critical for your success. The key is to understand the change and to position yourself to receive the benefits so that you can excel despite the challenges. Implement these strategies to guide you towards embracing workplace changes with optimism for greater success at work.

(1) UNDERSTAND YOUR CONCERNS ABOUT THE CHANGE. Ask yourself what scares you or makes you angry about a recent change at work. Once you know you’re concerns you will be able to deal with them to better succeed in the work environment. Maybe you think your job or paycheck is threatened. Perhaps you think the company might close because of the change. Explore all the possibilities. If you find that your concerns are legitimate, create a Plan B that you can implement in your worst-case scenarios. Once you make an action plan, resolve to let go of your uneasiness about situations you can't control and optimistically expect the best results that could happen from the change.

(2) TRUST THE CHANGE. Be assured that the people running the company are making the choice to change for a reason that will benefit the company. Recognize that people in power have a picture of the entire situation. When I exited my career at a Fortune 100 company, the organization was at the beginning stages of implementing a new commercial strategy. I was part of the “Change” team so I had insight that others did not have. I understood the importance of the changes as they were necessary to maintain a healthy position in the industry. However, co-workers with less information were not as optimistic in embracing the changes. The changes didn't limit me. They empowered me! Be committed to the goals of the organization to lessen your anxieties about the change to perform at your optimal level. If it’s best the company ultimately it’s best for you.

(3) LIMIT “CHANGE” CONVERSATIONS. Avoid lengthy discussions with co-workers about changes, especially if your peers are focusing on negativity related to the changes. Some co-workers might be antagonistic due to their own fears and insecurities. Negative talk spreads like a cancer. Stay immunized by declining to share thoughts that might be interpreted as negative when engaging with others. Instead make an effort to be understanding and communicate thoughts about the positive results the change should bring.

(4) ACCEPT THE CHANGE. Recognize that an important aspect of your work is to support the management and carry out your leaders' directives. Simplify the situation for yourself by pledging to respect the changes and perform your duties as required. You are there for a purpose. That purpose is to do your job well, improve your skills and earn a paycheck. Stay focused on your goals and strive for excellence, regardless of the situation.

(5) WELCOME THE CHANGE. Make a decision to face the change head-on and do whatever it takes to glean positive results from the new plans. Challenge yourself and have confidence that you can handle it. Your work situation might actually improve because of the new changes. This could be a time of rejuvenation, renewal and newfound efficiency. Be patient throughout the implementation process. And allow yourself to expect your work situation to benefit your greater good.

Although changes at work might be scary and unwanted, open your mind to the possibilities of change. Change provides an opportunity for skill building and new career experiences. Put some of these strategies into practice if changes occur where you work so you won’t be a part of the millions who aren't engaged. Make it a purposeful decision – not a fleeting thought! You CAN embrace change at work and experience greater fulfillment with positivity, confidence, and patience!
If these topics interest you, please connect with me on social media or leave a comment. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, February 2, 2015

3 Self-Assertiveness Strategies to Gain More Power and Influence

During my tenure as a corporate employee in the manufacturing division of a Fortune 100 company, I was often the only female in team meetings. I knew that speaking up and communicating ideas effectively were important for my success. I could never become a member of the “good ole boys club” but I could influence their respect for me and their perception of my contributions to organizational goals.
As you seek success in business, personal relationships, or any venture, it helps to take stock of your level of self-assertiveness. Assertiveness is the ability to honestly express yourself without undue self-doubt or anxiety. Assertive people are confident, self-assured and often recognized as leaders. It’s not only apparent in their communication but also in their behaviors.
While some are born assertive, for others self-assertiveness is a cultivated skill. I was fortunate enough to attend an all girls high school which focused on ways to be effective in these kinds of settings.
If you need solutions to deal with an office bully, overzealous friend, aggressive business partner or to improve your negotiation skills, implement these three strategies to gain control and enhance your interactions with others.
(1) Identify your boundaries and set limits. Don’t be a push-over. Figure out where to draw the line when dealing with othersHow much abuse are you willing to take? Be honest with yourself and avoid letting self-doubt stop you from defining new boundaries.
  • Start by writing down your plan to manage through various situations.Research proves that externalizing your thought process improves your chances of making a lasting impact on your future behaviorPay attention to your internal reactions. Recall past situations in which you let someone go too far. How did you feel? At what point could you have put your foot down? Write it. See it. Say it. And put it into action.
(2) Eliminate toxic relationships. Empower yourself by letting go of individuals and partnerships that drain your energy and stifle your growth. If discussions and collaborations are unhealthy, it’s time to move on. While the split may be painful initially, you will flourish once you’re free of those influences.
  • Simply begin by declining meetings, limiting conversations, engaging in other activities of interest and cultivating new relationships. You don’t have to make a grand announcement or hold a forum. Let your actions speak for you. You’ll build self-esteem and confidence which will attract individuals who will treat you with the respect you deserve.
(3) Think on purpose. As you become more assertive, you’ll need a strategy to deal with individuals who overstep your boundaries. Maintain a calm demeanor for effectual communications even if they become defensive. The individual may feel as if they’re under attack, especially if you haven’t taken them to task before. In this situation, they will likely try to derail you by changing the subject. Use the ASSA method to keep discussions on topic and to the point:
  • Alert the person that you would like to speak with them.
  • State your grievance clearly and calmly.
  • Sell the benefits of them altering their behavior.
  • Agree that they’ll do things differently in the future.
You’ll likely find that becoming assertive will change your life. You’ll gain the confidence needed to develop beneficial relationships with colleagues, partners and your management team. And you’ll attract opportunities that facilitate personal and professional success.
For more information to build CONFIDENCE, click here to download "How to Regain Confidence Even If Your Struggles Have Destroyed You".