Tuesday, January 28, 2014

10 Ways to Build Trust and Credibility for Career Success

Do you remember playing the "TRUST" game when you were a child? You stood in front of someone, held your breath and hoped that when you fell backwards they would catch you. It was nerve wrecking to let go and to rely on someone else to keep you from getting hurt. But after they caught you the first time you were more willing to stand in front of them again and again and lean back without fear. That’s because they earned your trust.
As adults that same kind of trust is important to build solid relationships for business and career success. Trustworthy people are invaluable to organizations. They are influencers that consistently demonstrate a pattern of behavior that enhances their credibility. Take these action steps to increase your leadership abilities and capitalize on opportunities of advancement:

1.     KEEP YOUR WORD! Your promise should be as binding as a contract.  Reliability is a primary component of trust.

2.     KEEP GOOD COMPANY! Surround yourself with people of high integrity. Your net worth => Your network.

3.     KEEP THE PEACE! Learn how to disagree without being disagreeable. Recognize the value in the opinion of others.

4.     KEEP CONTROL! It’s not only what you bring to the table it’s how you serve it. Professionalism is important. Manage your emotions when you are stressed or under pressure.

5.     KEEP THE VISION! You gain more by making others look good than singing your own praises. Sometimes it not all about you. Remember the overall goal.

6.     KEEP IT A SECRET! Words spoken in confidence are words spoken in trust. Open lines of communication are essential for your success.

7.     KEEP IT HONEST! Admit when you are wrong. Others don't have to guess your motivations or intentions when you're open and honest. You’ll be respected for truthfulness and transparency.

8.     KEEP YOUR PROMISES! Follow through on every commitment you make. Always under promise and over-deliver.

9.     KEEP RECORDS! Ask others to write a recommendation for you. Use their words to build your reputation.

10.  KEEP QUIET! Be a good listener. When people are speaking give them your full attention.  Your silence will speak volumes.

Gaining credibility and trustworthiness doesn’t happen overnight. KEEP these action steps in mind and demonstrate trusting behaviors to support you in getting there faster. Don’t get dismayed if at one time or another you let someone down. No one is perfect. But your history will speak loudly of your character if you’ve established a trusting foundation.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

5 Things Mentally Strong People Do For Career Success

Will Smith is quoted as saying, “Make a choice and decide what you are going to be, how you’re going to be, and how you’re going to do it”. To achieve what you want in your career requires that kind of mindset. It’s literally impossible to attain success without mental fortitude. Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker, wrote an article in LifeHack entitled, “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do”. I’ve turned them around and added my thoughts to share 5 ways to use your mental muscle for greater career success.

  • MAINTAIN YOUR COMPOSURE! Don’t give away your power. When you allow the actions of others to disrupt your mental stability you lose control. Emotional balance is the foundation for productive thinking and sound judgment. This was demonstrated on a recent episode of the BET hit series, “Single Ladies”. April told a colleague about her thoughts regarding new talent for the agency. Although David discredited them, he was non apologetic after he shared her ideas as his original recommendation during a business meeting. Instead of acting on her frustration, April used that energy to ignite her creativity and determination. Like April - know your strengths and manage the way you respond.
  • TOLERATE DISCOMFORT! Resist the urge to act on emotions. When you are led by your feelings you are vulnerable of making poor decisions. Consider the example of a client who entered a contract with a vendor based on how she “felt” about the services. After the vendor missed two deadlines the client relented that more time spent on research could have yielded a different result. At times, it’s best to let emotions subside and seek the facts. Resist making permanent choices based on a temporary state of mind.
  • BE WILLING TO FAIL! Everyone has a gift but most people never open their package. No poison kills more slowly or painfully than regret. The next time a challenging project is available accept the assignment. If you have services or products to offer don’t be afraid to ask for the business. You don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. Realize that when you operate in your purpose even your mistakes will work for your good.
  • DON'T COMPLAIN! Refrain from wasting energy on things you can’t control. It is a choice you must make to maintain clarity and focus. Complainers don’t get promoted. And they often miss opportunities because they are not contributing to a solution they are inflating the problem. Your energy is a valuable resource and the way you spend it determines your success.
  • EMBRACE CHANGE! Adjusting to change can be a struggle between mind over matter. No matter the situation, choose to gain from the experience. Often times change will expose new ideas and advancement. Your goal is to figure out how to benefit from those changes to increase your potential to be promoted, learn a different skill, meet new colleagues or serve more customers. You can travel on the paved road to change or ride the rollercoaster but each road leads to same destination.

Your mind is a steering wheel. Be positioned to go in the direction for success. Make it a habit to practice affirmations, read inspirational stories or listen to motivational messages to guide you on the course and strengthen your mental muscle.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy 2014! Make It Happen!

Take steps to get what you want in the next twelve months. Don't spend another minute thinking about it. MOVE FORWARD and make it happen!