Tuesday, July 29, 2014


We are constantly making decisions to determine the best pathways and solutions that will lead to our success. And it’s not always easy to tell if our choices are coming from the right place. Follow your ego and you might be successful in many ways, but you’re likely to find yourself wondering why you’re not as happy as you think you should be. However, if you follow your intuition, your life is likely to be more enjoyable and meaningful.

Learning to determine whether you’re being guided by intuition or ego can make a huge difference in your career. While there are no hard and fast rules to make the distinction, there are tendencies that can serve as a guide. Consider these differences:

1.     Ego-based decisions are grounded in fear and self-preservation. If you decide to go to medical school primarily for reasons of financial security, that’s ego. If you decide to not ask for the promotion, that’s ego. Intuitive thoughts feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful.

2.     Ego-based decisions typically have emotion connected to them resulting in nervous or anxious feelings. A choice made from a place of intuition just feels “right” and often comes out of left field. You might be surfing the internet and be hit with the idea of becoming an artist. The resulting battle in your head is your ego fighting back.

3.     Ego-based decisions involve rationalization. Your ego is wonderful at convincing you that its choice is the right one. “I’ll never get that job. Imagine how disappointed I’ll feel when it doesn’t work out. People like me are destined to only be supervisors, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I can still have a decent life.” It’s really just a rationalization based on fear – fear of success or fear of failure.

4.     Ego-based decisions consider external results. Are you writing a book in order to have a bestseller? Are you taking an action to gain certain results from others? A thought or decision arising from intuition is based on internal results. You’ll write a book because you’re fascinated with the idea not whether or not it will be a best seller. You’ll take an action because it will provide you with self-satisfaction not to gain outside attention.

5.     The ego tries to justify itself with facts, figures, and logic. Intuition doesn’t require these tricks to compel you. It doesn’t involve judgment statements about right or wrong, good or bad. If you’re using logic to convince yourself of a course of action, you can bet that’s your ego talking.

While the ego can be very limiting, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s wrong. Remember that the ego’s motivation is largely based on self-preservation. Your ego believes that it has your best interests at heart. The trick is to realize when your ego is holding you back from something bigger and better. Think before choosing which voice to follow and use these tips to help you make a decision that will bring you true happiness and career success.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Do you ever consider a new idea or something different to pursue and immediate begin thinking of the ways it can’t be done versus ways it can be done. Many of us have a series of excuses that we can pull out of a hat at a moment’s notice. We make excuses mostly to protect ourselves and to justify our current circumstances.

Are any of these excuses holding you back from the success you desire?

1.     “I DON’T KNOW HOW.” This common excuse gives you permission to not even try. Solution: Get support. At no time in the history of mankind has there been so much information and resources available. Want to start a charity? There are hundreds of books on the subject. Need to lose 100 lbs? There are thousands of CDs, videos and blogs to support you. Want to change careers? Consult a coach or mentor. Or simply try and then adjust your approach based on your results.

2.     “I’M AFRAID.” Who hasn’t been afraid to try something new, to step out of the box, to move beyond their comfort zone? Most of our fears are socially based and have no real consequences. Solution: Ask yourself what’s the worst thing that can happen. Once you have determined the worst case scenarios you’ll realize that the fear is a disguise to kill your dreams and stifle your growth. Then list the best things that can happen. You’ll recognize that your success is more important than the fears that are holding you back.

3.     “I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.” If your heart is in it then you will make the time for what’s truly important to you. Solution: Create a list of the things you do on a daily basis from the moment you awake until the end of the day. Record your activities in 15 minute blocks. Include everything from talking on the phone, surfing the internet to watching television. After doing this for one week most people are able to find at least 3 hours to dedicate to a new activity or adventure.

4.     “I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY.” There is usually a way to work around a lack of financial resources. Solution: Find alternatives. For example, if you’re looking to increase your skills but can’t afford college tuition there are other ways to enhance your credentials. For instance, volunteer at a non-profit organization, get certification in a particular skill or intern for a small company on your days off. If you are business owner, consider bartering (trading your services or products). There is always a way. You just may have to work a little harder to find solutions to support your growth.

5.     “IT’S TOO LATE FOR ME.” It’s never too late to become what you might have been. A person climbed Mount Everest in his 80’s. People have gone back to medical school in their 60’s. Getting a late start might be less convenient and more challenging, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Solution: Figure out what interests you, influences you and motivates you. Build a plan for the challenges that are really important to you and take one step at a time to complete your goals.  

·       “IT’S TOO HARD.” Some endeavors are certainly more difficult than others. But claiming that something is “too hard” is really just another way of admitting that you’re afraid. People with limited resources and talent can still be extremely successful. Solution: Set your mind on success! Those with motivation and stamina are really the ones who succeed. Get an accountability partner. Read encouraging stories. Practice affirmations. Do what’s necessary to keep your thoughts and energy centered on a successful outcome.

Your success is dependent on effort. No action, no results. It’s time to make some changes. Transformation isn’t always easy but it is necessary for your success. So put aside your excuses and go after what you truly want. You’ll be glad you did!