An affirmation is a declaration that when repeated can create changes in your thoughts, improvements in your life and success for your future. Affirmations give you power, strength and courage to BELIEVE more, ACHIEVE more and BE more. It is literally a way of reprogramming your mind. Think about raising a child – in rearing you often say No. "No! Don’t touch that." "No! Don’t put that in your mouth." "No! Don’t say that." We learn by the negative. So now we have to train our brains for yes.
According to the World Health Organization, the cost of stress on the American economy is $300 billion. A separate study finds that 80% of employees are unhappy with their current work situation. Fifty percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. And suicide is the leading cause of death among adolescents. There is at least one commonality within these depressing statistics. It is this - somewhere a decision was made to believe something other than the best was possible for the situation. This means someone gave up on their dreams, hopes, relationship, thoughts, potential and opportunity.
Don't put limits on yourself. Affirmations and positive thinking are vital tools for success in life. It is believing the best. It’s about having courage in yourself and your abilities. You must declare it. "Yes! I can achieve that goal." "Yes! I can resist that slice of chocolate cake." "Yes! I will ace the next job interview!"
Believing is half the battle. The other half is action. Get in motion and stay in motion so you can experience the best of life. For most it is not an overnight process. It takes time and practice. Positive thinking must become a habit. You have to think about what you are thinking about!
If you want to experience more joy, success and career advancement learn to declare victory over the challenges. Develop a habit of affirming yourself. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Don't believe everything that comes into your mind.
Try these simple affirmations to get started:
• I am happy
• I am healthy
• I am loved
• I am courageous
• I am capable
• I am smart
Change your thoughts and you will change your life! For more affirmations visit
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Jack Canfield's Top 7 Success Tips
1. TAKE 100% of RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE! One of the greatest myths that is pervasive in our culture today is that you are entitled to a great life-that somehow, somewhere, someone is responsible for filling our lives with continual happiness, exciting career options, nurturing family time and blissful personal relationships simply because we exist. But the real truth is that there is only one person responsible for the quality of the life you live. That person is YOU.2. BE CLEAR WHY YOU'RE HERE! I believe each of us is born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take. They take the time to understand what they’re here to do-and then they pursue that with passion and enthusiasm.
3. DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT! One of the main reasons why most people don’t get what they want is they haven’t decided what they want. They haven’t defined their desires in clear and compelling detail…What does success look like to you?
4. BELIEVE IT'S POSSIBLE! Scientists used to believe that humans responded to information flowing into the brain from the outside world. But today, they’re learning instead that we respond to what the brain, based on previous experience, expects to happen next…In fact, the mind is such a powerful instrument, it can deliver to you literally everything you want. But you have to believe that what you want is possible.
5.BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! If you are going to be successful in creating the life of your dreams, you have to believe that you are capable of making it happen…Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence or self-assurance, it is a deep-seated belief that you have what it takes-the abilities, inner resources, talents and skills to create your desired results.
6. BECOME AN INVERSE PARANOID! Imagine how much easier it would be to succeed in life if you were constantly expecting the world to support you and bring you opportunity. Successful people do just that.
7. UNLEASH THE POWER OF GOAL SETTING! Experts on the science of success know the brain is a goal-seeking organism. Whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, it will work day and night to achieve…To engage you subconscious mind, a goal has to be measurable. When there are no criteria for measurement, it is simply something you want, a wish, a preference, a good idea.
© Jack Canfield
Adapted from THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLES: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield with Janet Switzer (HarperResource; January 1, 2005; ISBN: 0-06-059488-8)
Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach, is the founder and co-creator of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at
Monday, November 25, 2013
Give Yourself the Green Light for Success
One of the challenges of moving forward is predicated by our
natural inclination to seek approval. Our rearing and professional experiences
have taught us to request permission with decision making. Think back to when
you were growing up. There was always someone “in charge”. Whatever
you wanted to do, you first had to ask. Likewise, most of our assignments in
the workplace are based on the directives of a manager or higher ranked
business associate. But when it comes to pursuing your personal desires and
dreams there’s only one person who can give you the “green light” to go ahead and that is you. Research proves employees who have an interest in personal growth
are not only healthier, but contribute to the well being of an
So what holds you back from giving
yourself permission? There are four common reasons individuals apply the brakes
on fulfilling their dreams.
(1) You need validation. It is
comforting to have someone agree with your plans and goals but this is your
dream. It has to start with you. A
successful journey requires courage and confidence. Once you’ve decided to step
out build a team of support for encouragement.
(2) You need to know it’s the right
thing. It may or
may not be the right thing to do at this time but allow yourself to try. In
order to discover new lands, you must be willing to lose sight of the shore. If you succeed you’ll reap the
reward. If you fail you’ll gain knowledge for the next attempt. Give yourself
permission to go beyond self imposed limits.
(3) You
are afraid. Until
your confidence is greater than your fears you will always idle at the red light.
The best way to overcome fear is through action. Accelerate past the fear of
doubt and failure to arrive at achievement. As Brene Brown expressed, “You can
choose courage and you can choose comfort but you can’t have both”. Don’t allow the discomfort associated with
change prevent you from moving forward.
get from life what you have the courage to ask for. ~ Oprah Winfrey
You don’t have time. You must commit to your goals. Clearly
stated goals will serve as ammunition, shooting down obstacles that don’t line
up with your vision. Plan time in your schedule to dedicate to your dream. It
is a step by step process. It simply comes down to ‘how bad do you want it’. You’ll
be amazed at what you’ve accomplished when you assess your progress.
In the book, “The Blessing of
Adversity”, Barry C. Black, (a two star Navy admiral and the first person of
color in the nation’s history to serve as Chaplin of the US Senate) provides an
action plan to help with the pressure:
ü Remain independent of your
ü Expect pressure
ü Face challenges with courage
ü Claim your victory
ü Endure to the end
ü Maintain a proper perspective
Don’t be discouraged about what others might say, at first
they’ll ask WHY you’re doing it but later they’ll ask HOW you did it. Give
yourself the green light! MOVE FORWARD and
accomplish your goals!
Monday, November 18, 2013
'Tis the Season to Declutter Your Spaces
This month O magazine published
an article called “Tis the Season to De-Clutter –An Easy Holiday Plan”. That’s
much easier said than done. Most people will admit that de-cluttering is a
challenge. I have the opposite problem. I throw away everything then spend days
searching for it until I am reminded that I discarded it months ago. I don’t
know which is worst but this is the season to release. De-clutter your physical and mental spaces.
When you pull out the sweaters, jackets and other winter garments, get rid of anything you haven't worn in the past 2
years. Stop telling yourself you will wear
it because you won’t. Let them go and make
room for a new sweater and other gifts to come into your life. On the other hand, don't put away anything that you haven't used or worn for the past two seasons. It's highly unlikely that the third time will be a charm. Take control. Use ten minutes of each day to get started. Likewise, it’s important that your mental "storehouse" is de-cluttered as well to take advantage of the opportunities a new season brings. Get rid of “stinkin thinkin”. Let go of I can’t and add I will. Feed your brain healthy thoughts to silence the negative noise. Don’t worry about what can go wrong - get excited about what can go right.
Here are two things to remember
if you get stuck in the process:
- You can do ANYTHING but not everything! Take on only what you can manage.
- Someday is NOT a day of the week! Set a date and make the time to accomplish tasks. Don’t leave it up to chance.
Free yourself! ‘Tis the season to de-clutter. Something new is waiting for you!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
5 FACTS for More Happiness!
The fact is everyone is
seeking happiness and peace in life! More time, energy and money are spent on the pursuit of
happiness than anything else. If you seek more happiness in your life, here are the FACTS:
Forgive Others! It’s often said that forgiveness is
the gift you give to yourself. The people you are holding hostage in your mind
don’t even know they’re in prison. The only person in captivity is you. Free
yourself by letting go of the thoughts that are holding you back.
Accept your mistakes! If you’re not making mistakes you’re not trying hard enough. Keep
growing and keep going!
Cry! Big girls and big boys do cry. When you cry the body moves from a state of high
arousal or stress to one more associated with relaxation. Your breathing and
heart rate slows and you’re more relaxed longer after
you’ve cried. Let it out and let in peace.
Thank God for Everything! Thank Him for
waking you, breaking you, making you and forgiving you. Gratitude is a key
factor for happiness and success.
Smile! Smiling has been shown to increase
productivity while performing tasks. There’s real truth to the “whistle while
we work” mentality. When you’re able to accomplish more you feel better.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
you define success in terms of money, happiness, fame or family, achieving
success takes effort. There’s no secret formula but there are things successful
people do to reach their goals.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but
a habit. ~ Aristotle
Adopt these habits for professional
and personal growth.
(1) CONSISTENTCY! It’s the small efforts repeated day in and day out that
will lead you to your goals. Understand that consistency is essential, not
optional. Nothing is achieved without it. Consistency leads to loyalty,
devotion and motivates individuals. Be consistent in your approach, your
attitude, communications and actions.
passionate about the goals you are pursuing and the life you are living. You
must be a self motivator and self generator. You can’t sit around and wait for
someone to give you an opportunity. You must be committed to generating
opportunities for yourself. This involves meeting new people, being open to new
ideas and contributing to the well being of others.
is the foundation for success and achievement. You must first believe you can
and you will. Having faith in your abilities will take you
further than anything else. Confidence will encourage you to keep
going through uncertainly and failure. It is the driving force for
path to success has many road blocks. Be consistent, committed and
confident to navigate the journey.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Don't Give Up! Quick Tips for Pursuing Your Goals!
Good things come to those that believe, better things comes to those that are patient, the best things come to those that don't give up!
Before Cathy Hughes became the owner of the multimillion dollar media company, Radio One, she faced tremendous obstacles on her journey. For 18 months she and her son slept on the floor of the radio station. Cathy was rejected 32 times for a business loan. It wasn’t until the 33rd pitch to a female bank officer that Cathy's loan request was granted which enabled her to get the business going. What would have happened if she gave up on her 32nd try and quit?
In his first screen test, the director of MGM told Fred Astaire, “You can't act, can't sing. Slightly bald, can dance a little." Fred Astaire was bold, confident and daring. He kept pushing forward until he got a yes. Fred Astaire became an incredibly successful actor, singer and dancer. But what if Fred Astaire would have quit after that first no?
Whatever you’re going through, creating or trying to achieve these stories inspire us to keep moving forward. Here's some advice to keep in mind while your pursuing goals:
- Be of good cheer! Operate in a spirit of expectation. Your actions follow your thoughts. If you expect things will work out in your favor your activities will follow that direction.
- Learn as much as you can! Gather information, master your craft and connect with others for skill building and encouragement
- Resist fear! Believe in yourself. Don't be dismayed by the time it may take to reach your goals. Stay focused and positive.
- Don't be afraid to fail! Failure is simply an opportunity to do things over with better knowledge.
DON'T GIVE UP! You could be one step away from your break through, one yes away from that loan approval, once interview away from a new job, one class away from earning that degree, one encounter away from meeting your soul mate.
Friday, September 13, 2013
5 Ways to Reduce Stress Quickly!
In the 1970's there was an infamous commercial featuring a distressed-looking woman standing in front of a screen with annoying images circulating in the background. The images were of noisy traffic, an overbearing boss, a crying baby and a barking dog. In the midst of the chaos she screams, "That's it! Calgon® - Take me away"! We all have “Calgon” moments when we wish we could just escape into a warm relaxing bath.
Whether it's in us or around us we often deal with stressful situations. It's just a fact of life. The good news is that you can relieve stress quickly. Here are five simple ways to get out of the stress and get back into great living:
(1) Think good thoughts! Redirect your thoughts to calm visions or things that excite you. Picture yourself on a relaxing vacation. Or visualize yourself accomplishing a future goal. Better yet, if you're like me, imagine you are the leading lady in a block buster movie and Denzel Washington is your co-star. Then focus on the things you can do to change the situation or emotion and build a plan to help you succeed.
(2) Kiss your stress away! Kissing reduces stress by helping your brain to release endorphins, better known as "the warm and fuzzies". Research shows that people who kiss more are less stressed and depressed. Pucker up and keep pushing forward!
(3) Take a breath! Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. When you breathe deeply it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body which can lower your heart rate and decrease your blood pressure. Jordan Shakeshaft shares 6 breathing exercises to relax you within 10 minutes. It's simple - better breathing better health.
(4) Laugh! It’s true laughter is the best medicine. Laughter diminishes pain, provides energy, increases memory and learning and improves alertness and creativity. Care 2 lists 7 laughing exercises to get your started on the laugh path.
(5) Keep good company! Have a chat with someone who inspires you. We don’t need science to tell us how a smile or conversation with a good friend or family member can turn your frown around. Jim Rohn shared that you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Surround yourself with people who encourage, uplift and enlighten you.
Don't let the stresses of life weigh you down. Live successfully by applying these methods to help you to KEEP GOING!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Coaching Seminar "Get Out of the Way!"
We capped off the summer with the "Get Out of the Way" coaching seminar highlighting Seven Proven Strategies for Success. More than 40 entrepreneurs, community leaders and business professionals gathered for networking, information and inspiration to encourage SUCCESSFUL LIVING! Look for details of the next event...coming soon!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Give Up for Success
In order to achieve the success you desire there are some things you'll need to GIVE UP. Believe bigger! Go beyond barriers! You can reach your potential!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!
A key component to living successfully – meaning - living with faith, hope, joy and love is TEAMWORK. If you ask any successful person how they “made it” they always talk about people who helped them on the journey. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a team to for LIFE SUCCESS. You need a team for work – when your boss is acting crazy: for family- when the kids are acting up: for business- when the numbers aren’t adding up: and for spiritual support- because the devil is always busy.
Here’s a list of the folks that should be on your team:
~ A CAPTAIN – this is someone who has been there and done that; they mentor you and help you navigate through and around both opportunities and landmines.
~ A ROOKIE – this is someone you can pour into and share experiences and learnings. You will grow as you help them.
~ A TRAINER – someone that supports you because they know people, events and information you need to stay competitive.
~ A COACH – someone who helps you build a plan, motivates you and provides accountability so you stick with the plan to achieve your goals.
BUT there is one team member that is vitally important to the team. They have full responsibility everything that happens. They determine the overall direction of the team and make the final decisions. You guessed it - The OWNER. In the game of life make sure that Jesus is the owner of your team. You’ll score the winning baskets, hit the home runs, make touchdowns and be a CHAMPION every time.
Tackle It or Take It!
In life’s journey we face situations that require us to make decisions if we want to live successfully. It could be a job situation, a relationship issue or a feeling that causes low productivity, stagnation, or emotional discomfort. In order to move forward you will have to take some action. There are generally two choices that will get you where you want to be so you can resolve the problem. You can TACKLE IT or TAKE IT. The pathway you choose is determined by your abilities, wants and resources. Let’s break it down -
1. Tackling it means to get a hold of the issue and wrestled it down until it screams “uncle”. Take actions to resolve it so it is no longer a barrier to growth.
2. Take it means to accept it. Accept that your husband will never put down the toilet seat or that your wife will always ask 20 consecutive questions the minute you walk through the door. Accept that it is okay to be sad at times but that sadness doesn’t have to run life.
TD Jakes reminds us of our capabilities with this quote, ”To those of us who often procrastinate because of a lack of education or any area of weakness, I relieve you with this statement: It is not how much you know that arms you with the tools of great decision making, but rather how much you ask. Forget the past and MOVE FORWARD in faith. Be assured that God has a blessing moving forward to meet you! “
Fail for Success
A common reason people do not achieve the success they desire in their lives and career is due to the fear of failing. This fear paralyzes individuals from achieving goals and pursuing their passion and purpose. In essence, the fear of failure prevents fulfillment.
Everyone endures trials on life’s journey. Failure is inevitable. Consider the path of Oprah Winfrey. In the beginning of her career, Oprah was fired from a television reporting job because they didn’t think she was right for TV. This gave her the freedom to discover other opportunities. J.K. Rowling was an unemployed, divorced, single mother living on social security benefits when she wrote the first Harry Potter novel. Today, both women are billionaires. Their failures became springboards to success.
An old English Proverb reminds us that a smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. Failure provides information needed to pursue a new direction, a new way of doing things or insight to think differently. Here are three ways to benefit from failure:
1. Failure leads to tenacity. When Spike Lee couldn’t secure production support for his first film, “She’s Got to Have It “ and others told him it couldn’t be done, Lee maxed out his credit cards and borrowed money from friends and family to finance the film. The film cost $175,000 but earned $7 million at the box office launching his career and enabling him to start his own production company. Failure to secure traditional financing did not deter Lee from achievement. He didn’t give up but instead Lee let his drive fuel dreams of becoming a successful film maker, actor and producer.
2. Failure exposes weaknesses. Understanding your weaknesses provides two opportunities – develop or defer. You may choose to work on strengthening your capabilities in an area of weakness or choose to acquire support by having others manage those tasks. It’s important to know what you don’t know and make a decision that will best support you moving forward.
3. Failure improves your vision. Identifying and assessing what can truly be achieved is clearer after failure. Failure makes you more realistic about goals. Therefore you are able to focus on activities and opportunities based on your resources and abilities. Overall, more informed decision making to pursue goals better, smarter and faster is enabled through the lens of failure!
On the road to success be sure to LEARN along the way and ENJOY the journey even when it’s filled with detours. Don’t be afraid to fall down – just be sure you get up. And look where you slipped not where you landed.
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