Friday, September 13, 2013

5 Ways to Reduce Stress Quickly!

In the 1970's there was an infamous commercial featuring a distressed-looking woman standing in front of a screen with annoying images circulating in the background. The images were of noisy traffic, an overbearing boss, a crying baby and a barking dog. In the midst of the chaos she screams, "That's it! Calgon® - Take me away"! We all have “Calgon” moments when we wish we could just escape into a warm relaxing bath.

Whether it's in us or around us we often deal with stressful situations. It's just a fact of life. The good news is that you can relieve stress quickly. Here are five simple ways to get out of the stress and get back into great living:

(1) Think good thoughts! Redirect your thoughts to calm visions or things that excite you. Picture yourself on a relaxing vacation. Or visualize yourself accomplishing a future goal. Better yet, if you're like me, imagine you are the leading lady in a block buster movie and Denzel Washington is your co-star. Then focus on the things you can do to change the situation or emotion and build a plan to help you succeed.

(2) Kiss your stress away! Kissing reduces stress by helping your brain to release endorphins, better known as "the warm and fuzzies". Research shows that people who kiss more are less stressed and depressed. Pucker up and keep pushing forward!

(3) Take a breath! Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. When you breathe deeply it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body which can lower your heart rate and decrease your blood pressure. Jordan Shakeshaft shares 6 breathing exercises to relax you within 10 minutes. It's simple - better breathing better health.

(4) Laugh! It’s true laughter is the best medicine. Laughter diminishes pain, provides energy, increases memory and learning and improves alertness and creativity. Care 2 lists 7 laughing exercises to get your started on the laugh path.

(5) Keep good company! Have a chat with someone who inspires you. We don’t need science to tell us how a smile or conversation with a good friend or family member can turn your frown around. Jim Rohn shared that you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Surround yourself with people who encourage, uplift and enlighten you.

Don't let the stresses of life weigh you down. Live successfully by applying these methods to help you to KEEP GOING!

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