Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Whether you define success in terms of money, happiness, fame or family, achieving success takes effort. There’s no secret formula but there are things successful people do to reach their goals.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle

Adopt these habits for professional and personal growth.
(1)  CONSISTENTCY! It’s the small efforts repeated day in and day out that will lead you to your goals. Understand that consistency is essential, not optional. Nothing is achieved without it. Consistency leads to loyalty, devotion and motivates individuals. Be consistent in your approach, your attitude, communications and actions.
(2)  COMMITMENT! Be passionate about the goals you are pursuing and the life you are living. You must be a self motivator and self generator. You can’t sit around and wait for someone to give you an opportunity. You must be committed to generating opportunities for yourself. This involves meeting new people, being open to new ideas and contributing to the well being of others.
(3)   CONFIDENCE! It is the foundation for success and achievement. You must first believe you can and you will. Having faith in your abilities will take you further than anything else. Confidence will encourage you to keep going through uncertainly and failure. It is the driving force for action.
The path to success has many road blocks. Be consistent, committed and confident to navigate the journey.


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