One of the challenges of moving forward is predicated by our
natural inclination to seek approval. Our rearing and professional experiences
have taught us to request permission with decision making. Think back to when
you were growing up. There was always someone “in charge”. Whatever
you wanted to do, you first had to ask. Likewise, most of our assignments in
the workplace are based on the directives of a manager or higher ranked
business associate. But when it comes to pursuing your personal desires and
dreams there’s only one person who can give you the “green light” to go ahead and that is you. Research proves employees who have an interest in personal growth
are not only healthier, but contribute to the well being of an
So what holds you back from giving
yourself permission? There are four common reasons individuals apply the brakes
on fulfilling their dreams.
(1) You need validation. It is
comforting to have someone agree with your plans and goals but this is your
dream. It has to start with you. A
successful journey requires courage and confidence. Once you’ve decided to step
out build a team of support for encouragement.
(2) You need to know it’s the right
thing. It may or
may not be the right thing to do at this time but allow yourself to try. In
order to discover new lands, you must be willing to lose sight of the shore. If you succeed you’ll reap the
reward. If you fail you’ll gain knowledge for the next attempt. Give yourself
permission to go beyond self imposed limits.
(3) You
are afraid. Until
your confidence is greater than your fears you will always idle at the red light.
The best way to overcome fear is through action. Accelerate past the fear of
doubt and failure to arrive at achievement. As Brene Brown expressed, “You can
choose courage and you can choose comfort but you can’t have both”. Don’t allow the discomfort associated with
change prevent you from moving forward.
get from life what you have the courage to ask for. ~ Oprah Winfrey
You don’t have time. You must commit to your goals. Clearly
stated goals will serve as ammunition, shooting down obstacles that don’t line
up with your vision. Plan time in your schedule to dedicate to your dream. It
is a step by step process. It simply comes down to ‘how bad do you want it’. You’ll
be amazed at what you’ve accomplished when you assess your progress.
In the book, “The Blessing of
Adversity”, Barry C. Black, (a two star Navy admiral and the first person of
color in the nation’s history to serve as Chaplin of the US Senate) provides an
action plan to help with the pressure:
ü Remain independent of your
ü Expect pressure
ü Face challenges with courage
ü Claim your victory
ü Endure to the end
ü Maintain a proper perspective
Don’t be discouraged about what others might say, at first
they’ll ask WHY you’re doing it but later they’ll ask HOW you did it. Give
yourself the green light! MOVE FORWARD and
accomplish your goals!